
Author Topic: Forum Rules  (Read 5542 times)

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  • Feb 2014
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Forum Rules
« on: April 15, 2014, 10:54 AM »

1. Do not flame or troll.

2. Make threads in proper sections.

3. No illegal material.

4. When posting, use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling to the best of your ability

5. Don't make empty threads. (Or threads with only a video / image in them)

6. Don't spam.

7. Don't make Alternate accounts.

8. Try to not double post

9. Don't necro post without content.

10. Do not abuse the BBCode (Eg. Refrain from using unnecessarily huge text all the time)

11. Don't sign your posts, signatures exist for a reason.

moderators are to use their own discretion when enforcing these rules
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 08:12 AM by Glitchvid »