I really like the original HL2 lighting/feel in some of the areas though, CC should probably have to be used a bit more sparingly imo but idk the rest probably know more about it than me.
I mainly don't feel as if it would really help too much until most textures are finished, seeing as those will actualy probably change the overall look of the game quite a bit (with them being sharper and stuff).
Also I mainly despise CC seeing as even at lower ammounts the game starts feeling washed out, something which I really hated about Battlefield 3.
I mean immagine if Dishonored had a blue filter applied to the overall image, or even the original Half Life, I just find it odd how suddenly there's no constrast between anything at all, it really looks bland in the end, or even worse than the original image you had as a reference or whatever.
PS: Do correct me if I'm wrong tho, it's not like I am 200% right about what I am saying :v
Also as an extra, I'd rather avoid making Half Life 2 look similar to how some bad SweetFX configs are setup which almost make me feel as if I was going blind (yes I know this is not SweetFX but the effect is similar).